Saturday, January 25, 2020

You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown!

Like most of us, I grew up watching some cartoons, Japanese anime, and also comic and manga. One of it is Peanuts comic created by Charles M. Schulz. And among all the characters in Peanuts, my favorite is Charlie Brown. I love him because he's simply funny and too sincere. Even though most of the time he's in suffering position due to lack of self-confidence and nervous, but he's persistent and has kind heart. He has usual catchphrase, he really often say "Good grief" with his funny reaction.

Couple years ago, my friend informed me that there's broadway musical performance in Kuala Lumpur based on Peanuts characters, the title is "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown". It was performed in Damansara Performing Arts Centre (DPAC). I kind of loving and enjoy the show, it's quite entertaining with simple and funny story line, and some catchy songs. I even try to find the songs on Spotify and listen to it for couple times.

I even have this cute figure that I put on my desk, it can move and shake his head when I touch it.

Anyway, I always want to buy the Charlie Brown t-shirt, the yellow color t-shirt with black zigzag stripe. But sadly can't find the exact match design or closely similar with the original pattern from the comic. I saw the good one in Amazon, but the price of it and the delivery fee is just too expensive. And been trying to contact some custom t-shirt shops, but they only can print in A4 size. So, I decided to do DIY to create it.
  • I start to find high level design, and come out with something like this:

  • I create zigzag image pattern using free software editor GIMP, and export it into png file. You can download my converted image below.

  • I bought heat transfer papers, and plain yellow t-shirts from online e-commerce. I bought size S and M just in case if it's too small or too big. Then I start to put the image in Ms Word, measure it based on t-shirt size to make sure it can cover whole waist, both in front and back part. Print it on the paper, then continue cutting it with scissors to remove the white part, to only leave the black part. 

  • I also bought non-stick silicone paper because the paper that I bought doesn't include one. It's normally used for baking and called as baking paper. So I just bought it from supermarket. This paper will prevent transfer paper to have direct contact with the heat press plate or iron. 

  • I had difficulty to peal the mini silhouette charlie brown that supposed to be put in the chest area, so I just put it aside and didn't use it. The moment of truth, after saw many tutorial on YouTube on how to use the transfer paper with iron, finally here's the final product: 

Good grief, Nugi. The result is quite good though, I'm quite happy and proud to myself. Now I can wear it and show-off to my friends :)

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